The below statements detail our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium where identified) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
At Staining Primary School all members of staff and governors accept responsibility for all pupils recognising that a number of pupils within the school population, some of whom are not eligible for pupil premium funding, may at any point during their school career require additional support and intervention. We are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs in a nurturing environment. As with every child in our care, a child who is in receipt of the pupil premium is valued, respected and entitled to develop to their full potential.
The Pupil premium is allocated to children who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months. It is also used for pupils who have been on the free school meals register but no longer qualify. Schools have the freedom to spend the pupil premium, which is additional to the underlying school’s budget, in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils.
In order to meet the above requirements, the Governing Body and staff of Staining Primary will ensure that provision is made which secures the teaching and learning opportunities that meet the needs of all pupils. As part of the additional provision made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, the Governors and staff of the school will ensure that the needs of pupils are adequately assessed and clarified at regular pupil progress meetings. In making provision for pupils, the Governors and staff of Staining Primary recognise that not all pupils who are in receipt of the pupil premium will be disadvantaged. The Governors and staff also recognise that not all pupils who are disadvantaged qualify for the pupil premium. They therefore reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being disadvantaged.